What Is the Best Example of the Principle of Interdependence? [Quote Poster]

What Is the Best Example of the Principle of Interdependence? [Quote Poster]

The principle of interdependence is the key to the existence of nature’s entire system. The best example we have of this are the cells in the human body. They connect with one another through mutual giving for the benefit of the entire body. Every cell receives what it needs to exists, and applies the rest of its strength toward the general body. –Professor Günter Blobel, M.D.,...
David Bowden – The Inner Net [Poem]

David Bowden – The Inner Net [Poem]

The Inner Net – David Bowden Woven into each and everyone of us there is an inner net We connect To each other Thread to Thread Cell to Cell Heart to Heart When formed correctly the net forms community             And we catch boat loads of life We all yearn to be hewn[1] in this collection             For it is the human connection             It’s the reason why we have eyes, tongues, and lips             So we can be intertwined together as we see, speak and kiss             It’s the reason why we have right and left hands             So when my right reaches your left             Pinkies, rings, middles, pointers, and thumbs interconnect             In the loom of the human thread But we have become disconnected   By nations and nationalities             Language and legalities             Wars and quarantines             Prejudices and bigotry [2] The net of humanity Has been severed severely As we cut ourselves off In the pursuit of individuality And in the midst of this shrinking world sensation Many are placing the blame on Technology As we burrow into browsers Unplug by plugging in for hours Miss blue skies while working in the cloud Laugh out loud without laughing out loud Humanity seems to be disconnecting             At the one point in history when it is the most connected But just as to the good we are not entirely compliant [3]             Nor entirely resistant Neither is this tool entirely consistent For the problems of our world used to be too big and too distant             To connect to and know of its widespread existence...