Earth 2100 [Film]

Earth 2100 [Film]

Based on current scientific research and expert views about the accumulating crises humanity is expected to face over the coming century, Earth 2100 is a predictive portrayal of the century through the life of Lucy, a fictional woman born in the U.S. in 2008. No Crisis Exists On Its Own Earth 2100 paints a picture of the global crisis’ tight interconnectedness, how no one crisis exists on its own and cannot be dealt with in a pin-point manner. What the film shows is that: an oil crisis becomes a food crisis, they both connect to increase climate change and global warming, which increases drought and affects a water crisis, bringing about famine and thus, mass immigration of people seeking food and water, as well as deforestation and mass animal and plant extinction, rising sea levels and thus, floods, which then bring about outbreaks of infectious diseases, and this all becomes intensified by rapidly increasing human population, increasing worldwide consumption demand and natural disasters. The Need To See Things At A Global Level In presenting this complicated global crisis tangle humanity is expected to face, i.e. many individual crises as one global, integral crisis, Earth 2100 fundamentally proposes the need for a change in people’s approach to the world, from approaching problems locally and nationally to approaching them globally. As mentioned toward the film’s close: [By 2100] we’re going to have joint management of water resources, of energy resources, of disaster management. We’re going to be living on a planet where we don’t see things at a national level, but we see things at a global level.” –Peter Gleick, Ph.D., world renowned water scientist, President...
Blind Spot [Film]

Blind Spot [Film]

Blind Spot analyzes the problem of peak oil, that: Oil and fossil fuel energy is finite, and coming to its end in the near future Human population is constantly increasing Society is not preparing for the end of oil and fossil fuels, but instead self-interest values, which encourage the direct and indirect use of fossil fuels, continue being perpetuated in the media. The Problem Of Peak Oil – That It Connects In A Complex Web Of Other Problems Blind Spot presents the complications in dealing with the problem of peak oil, by showing how it connects to many other current and future problems: inflation, stagflation, pollution, climate change, global warming, overconsumption and overpopulation. Through interviews with scientists and experts in ecology, economy and sociology, Blind Spot proposes some approaches to these problems, including population control, policies for using less energy and implementing different kinds of energy. Peak Oil’s Central Problem – Challenging The Strong Influence Of Self-Interest Values Upon Society However, central to the problems that the film’s experts’ mentioned is the issue of social influence. There is an in-built threat in challenging generations of self-interest values at the center of society’s beliefs and assumptions, or “The American Way,” as people in Americanized societies are used to relying on cheap oil and energy, living in big houses, being highly individualized, and traveling long distances. The cultural constraint on change becomes very dangerous, because when it is challenged, it is challenging generations of belief and assumptions. … There are people who have to study raw data, who are trained as scientists to have their belief system based upon evidence, and when that contradicts generations...
Six Degrees of Separation

Six Degrees of Separation

Documentary unfolding the science behind the idea of six degrees of separation. Originally thought to be an urban myth, it now appears that anyone on the planet can be connected in just a few steps of association. Six degrees of separation is also at the heart of a major scientific breakthrough. That there might be a law which nature uses to organize itself and that now promises to solve some of its deepest mystery.  ...
The Evolution of A Butterfly

The Evolution of A Butterfly

Renowned cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton narrates the process of a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly over a milieu of imagery in “The Evolution of the Butterfly”. The film combines first hand footage from the Occupy Wall Street movement with stylized portraits of the recent economic collapse and gives a backdrop of hope to sometimes bleak reality. For more information on the caterpillar and butterfly, humanity and society, see Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future And A Way To Get There From Here...
The Sacred Balance

The Sacred Balance

Opinion: (Pankaj Ghemawat, economist, strategist, Professor of Global Strategy at the IESE Business School, Barcelona): “DHL released the first DHL Global Connectedness Index (GCI), a comprehensive study of geopolitical trade data. The study indicates that economic globalization is still not as deep as perceived and the potential for continued economic integration could represent global gross domestic product gains of five percent to 10 percent per year. GCI ranks 125 countries according to the depth and breadth of integration into the world economy and examines the connections between global connectedness and welfare. The study documents that global connectedness has enormous room to expand, even among the most ‘connected’ countries.” “Our research shows that global economic integration is not as deep as perceived. Therefore, we see untapped potential for growth for each country and globally. Increasing global connectedness is likely to spur further growth by adding trillions of dollars to the economic turnover,’”added Ghemawat. “The positive impact of global connectedness on world prosperity will continue to be of great importance. The misgivings some political leaders have about increasing global trade are unfounded; its benefits far outweigh any potential downside,” said Ghemawat. It’s not only that nature around us and inside us, the external and internal connection of all objects, is manifested more and more, but as the study above shows, a human being becomes more individualistic, more distanced from others because his egoism grows. So, it needs to be emphasized what globalization we are talking about: For the time being, the world has become like this, but not us. Lately, an inner connection between people has been become more obvious. But it is in conflict...