Now You Can Understand Why Connecting To Other People Is Great, Thanks To This Shouting Sociologist

Now You Can Understand Why Connecting To Other People Is Great, Thanks To This Shouting Sociologist

The benefits of a connected life outweigh the costs!” Nicholas Christakis, MD PhD, in his powerful TED Talk “The Hidden Influence of Social Networks,” lays down the omnipotent role of social networks and the benefits of connecting with other people… Social Networks Naturally ‘Sustain & Nourish The Good’ & ‘Reject The Bad’ We form social networks because the benefits of a connected life outweigh the costs. If I was always violent towards you or gave you misinformation or made you sad or infected you with deadly germs, you would cut the ties to me, and the network would disintegrate. So the spread of good and valuable things is required to sustain and nourish social networks. Similarly, social networks are required for the spread of good and valuable things, like love, kindness, happiness, altruism and ideas. If we realized how valuable social networks are, we’d spend a lot more time nourishing them and sustaining them, because I think social networks are fundamentally related to goodness. And what I think the world needs now is more connections.” An Example Showing How Certain Properties Reside Not In Individual Parts, But In The Interconnections Between Them Think about these two common objects. They’re both made of carbon, and yet one of them has carbon atoms in it that are arranged in one particular way – on the left – and you get graphite, which is soft and dark. But if you take the same carbon atoms and interconnect them a different way, you get diamond, which is clear and hard. And those properties of softness and hardness and darkness and clearness do not...
Be Careful With What You Think, Do & Say – Biologist Rupert Sheldrake Explains Social Influence & Interdependence Through Morphic Resonance

Be Careful With What You Think, Do & Say – Biologist Rupert Sheldrake Explains Social Influence & Interdependence Through Morphic Resonance

What you do, what you say and what you think can influence other people by morphic resonance. So we’re more responsible for our actions, words and thoughts on this principle than we would otherwise be. There is no immoral filter in morphic resonance, which means that we have to be more careful about what we are thinking if we are concerned about the affect we have on others.” British biologist Rupert Sheldrake, author of over 80 scientific papers and books, the most recent being The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry What Is Morphic Resonance? Morphic resonance is a memory principle in nature. Anything similar in a self-organizing system will be influenced by anything that has happened in the past, and anything in the future that happens in a similar system will be influenced by what happens now. So it is a memory in nature based on similarity, and it applies to atoms, molecules, crystals, living organisms, animals, plants, brains, societies, and indeed, planets and galaxies. So it is a principle of memory and habit in nature.”   Interconnectedness Of People & Nature Explained Through Morphic Resonance An important aspect of morphic resonance is that we’re interconnected with other members of social groups. Social groups also have morphic fields, for example a flock of birds, or a school of fish, or an ant colony. The individuals within the larger social groups and the larger social groups themselves have their own morphic fields, their own organizing patterns. The same is true of humans. People form all sorts of social groups within modern society, such as a football team, for example. Each player in...
Big Love. Big Hearts. A Plan For The Creation Of One Global Extended Family

Big Love. Big Hearts. A Plan For The Creation Of One Global Extended Family

With the current globalization of our problems, we need to extend our circle of empathy and view humanity as a worldwide extended human family. As long as we refrain from facing that challenge, divisiveness and unsolvable conflicts will persist.” Professor Rodrigue Tremblay is an author and Emeritus professor of economics at Université de Montréal. In addition to his writings on economics, he has also written extensively on the subject of ethics; and most recently, on the urgent need for a new level of universal ethics, morality, and empathy to be developed and maintained in the world. The Super Golden Rule [In a more universal civilization], first and foremost, the scope of human empathy would be more universal and more comprehensive, and would not merely apply to some chosen people, to members of a particular religion or to persons belonging to a particular civilization. In practice, this would require that we establish a higher threshold of human morality, beyond the traditional norm of the Golden Rule (‘Treat others as you would have others treat you.’) It would require that we adopt what I call a Super Golden Rule of humanist morality that incorporates the humanist rule of empathy: ‘Not only do to others as you would have them do to you, but also, do to others what you would wish to be done to you, if you were in their place.’ — Of course, the corollary also follows: ‘Don’t do to others what you would not like to be done to you, if you were in their place.’”  Three Interrelated Moral Imperatives Three interrelated moral imperatives that have always been sound moral values, but which...
Bruce Lipton – The New Biology: Where Mind And Matter Meet

Bruce Lipton – The New Biology: Where Mind And Matter Meet

You are personally responsible for everything in your life once you become aware that you are personally responsible for everything in your life.” – Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. Part 1 Part 2 Related Materials: Summary of “Where Mind & Matter Meet” by Allen Smith Prezi presentation of “Where Mind & Matter Meet” by Edmond Johnsen Bruce Lipton’s complete library of DVD’s and video is available through: Spirit 2000, Inc. 1 (800) 550-5571 Visit: Write: Spirit 2000, Inc. P.O. Box 41126 Memphis, TN...
Can You Change The Future?

Can You Change The Future?

What the people really needed was just some basic common-sense information and advice, somebody to tell them the truth – that their way of life was coming to an end – and to offer them some sensible collective survival strategies.”  – Richard Heinberg Now, You Face A Bleak Future “A Letter from the Future” is an imaginary letter written in the year 2101 to by a 100 year old Richard Heinberg – senior fellow at the Post Carbon Institute and author of 10 books on issues of energy, the economy and ecology – to people of the world living in our times, about the tough future expected according to tendencies scientists and economists foresee humanity experiencing in the coming century. It portrays a picture of a humanity struggling to make its way when the life it created for itself throughout the 20th century faces its depletion: depletion of energy resources, devaluing of money and products above the level of necessity, scarcity of food and water, and political motions toward fascism and war. After painting a bleak picture of a suffering humanity dealing with all of the above during the 21st century, Heinberg raises the question…   Can You Change The Future? Possibly, as a result of reading this letter, you might do something that would change my world [the world of the person living in the year 2101]. … Then, I suppose this letter would change, as would your experience of reading it. And as a result of that, you’d take different actions. We would have set up some kind of cosmic feedback loop between past and future. It’s pretty interesting...
3 Ways The Environment Shapes Human Behavior

3 Ways The Environment Shapes Human Behavior

Many scientific researches have shown an obvious fact, that the behavior of a human being is created by the environment. If genes predispose a certain behavior but the environment doesn’t support it, then that behavior won’t manifest, so in this case, genes aren’t important.” – TROM Narrator The section ENVIRONMENT in the documentary TROM (The Reality Of Me) shows how the environment shapes human beings’ behaviors via: Scientists’ explanations of their research, Scenes of how certain behaviors become accepted as norms in different cultures and situations.   Watch ENVIRONMENT From TROM   How The Environment Shapes Human Behavior. Example 1: Your Experiences Can Change Your Neural Connections Dr. Gregory Forbes, recorded at TEDGlobal 2010: We live in a remarkable time the age of genomics. Your genome is the entire sequence of your DNA. Your sequence and mine are slightly different. That’s why we look different. I’ve got brown eyes you might have blue, or gray; but it’s not just skin-deep. The headlines tell us that genes can give us scary diseases, maybe even shape our personality, or give us mental disorders. Our genes seem to have awesome power over our destinies, and yet, I would like to think that I am more than my genes. Likewise, every connectome changes over time. What kind of changes happen? Neurons, like trees, can grow new branches, and then can lose old ones. Synapses can be created, and then can be eliminated; And synapses can grow larger, and they can grow smaller. 2nd question: What causes these changes? It’s true; to some extent, they are programmed by your genes. But that’s not the whole story, because there...