Earth 2100 [Film]

Earth 2100 [Film]

Based on current scientific research and expert views about the accumulating crises humanity is expected to face over the coming century, Earth 2100 is a predictive portrayal of the century through the life of Lucy, a fictional woman born in the U.S. in 2008. No Crisis Exists On Its Own Earth 2100 paints a picture of the global crisis’ tight interconnectedness, how no one crisis exists on its own and cannot be dealt with in a pin-point manner. What the film shows is that: an oil crisis becomes a food crisis, they both connect to increase climate change and global warming, which increases drought and affects a water crisis, bringing about famine and thus, mass immigration of people seeking food and water, as well as deforestation and mass animal and plant extinction, rising sea levels and thus, floods, which then bring about outbreaks of infectious diseases, and this all becomes intensified by rapidly increasing human population, increasing worldwide consumption demand and natural disasters. The Need To See Things At A Global Level In presenting this complicated global crisis tangle humanity is expected to face, i.e. many individual crises as one global, integral crisis, Earth 2100 fundamentally proposes the need for a change in people’s approach to the world, from approaching problems locally and nationally to approaching them globally. As mentioned toward the film’s close: [By 2100] we’re going to have joint management of water resources, of energy resources, of disaster management. We’re going to be living on a planet where we don’t see things at a national level, but we see things at a global level.” –Peter Gleick, Ph.D., world renowned water scientist, President...