Every Man Is A Piece Of The Continent, A Part Of The Main

Every Man Is A Piece Of The Continent, A Part Of The Main

Nowadays we fly around like individual bees exulting in our freedom. But sometimes we wonder: Is this all there is? What should I do with my life? What’s missing? What’s missing is that we are Homo duplex, but modern, secular society was built to satisfy our lower, profane selves. It’s really comfortable down here on the lower level. Come, have a seat in my home entertainment center. One great challenge of modern life is to find the staircase amid all the clutter and then to do something good and noble once you climb to the top. … Most people long to overcome pettiness and become part of something larger. And this explains the extraordinary resonance of this simple metaphor conjured up nearly 400 years ago. ‘No man is an island entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.'” –Jonathan...
Globalize Yourself

Globalize Yourself

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp4znWHvsjU This era of globalization is not characterized by countries globalizing, it is not spearheaded by companies globalizing. Now what is really new, really unique, really exciting and really terrifying, is that this era of globalization is built around individuals. What is new, unique, terrifying and exciting about this era of globalization is the degree to which it empowers and enjoins, the degree to which it enables and requires individuals to globalize themselves and to think of themselves as potential connectors, collaborators and competitors with other individuals anywhere in the world.” –Thomas Friedman, in the above video, The 3 Eras of...
Interconnected Networks – The Modern Day Norm For Understanding The Organization Of Information And Social Interactions

Interconnected Networks – The Modern Day Norm For Understanding The Organization Of Information And Social Interactions

Manuel Lima, senior UX design lead at Microsoft Bing, shows how interconnected networks are increasingly becoming the modern day norm for understanding the organization of information and social interactions, and as a result, visualized networks are increasing in popularity as cultural memes. In An Interconnected Network, If One Element Changes, The Whole Network Changes As shown in the above video, a defining factor of an interconnected network is that if one of its elements changes, that change affects the whole network and thus the whole network changes. Accordingly, a collapse in one part of the network clearly causes all the other parts to be affected by it, as is most painfully and obviously exemplified by the global financial crisis. Thus, this interconnected network perspective of understanding the organization of social interactions clearly shows the need for mutual responsibility as a leading social value. When Will Commonly Accepted Social Values Grow To Harness The Interconnected Network Perspective In Human Relationships? As knowledge advances to harness the interconnected network outlook on every area of life, the  social values that characterize “the world of the past” – individualism, maximizing profits and self-interest – and their methods of stratification and protectionism still prevail in human society. What will it take for society at large to realize how living to satisfy one’s individual interests is an outdated way of living, which leads to increasing crisis? Moreover, is it possible that the flourishing knowledge of interconnected networks could start penetrating and reformatting the way human beings relate to each other, before facing another crisis tipping...
Are We Destined To Pay The High Price Of Materialism Until We Die, Or Is There Another Way?

Are We Destined To Pay The High Price Of Materialism Until We Die, Or Is There Another Way?

The Grip Of Materialism Every day Americans are bombarded with hundreds of messages suggesting that ‘the good life’ is attainable through ‘the goods life,’ by making lots of money and spending it on products that claim to make us happy, loved and esteemed. On the news shows we hear a near constant refrain from economists and politicians about the importance of consumer spending and economic growth. Around 150 billion dollars are spent most years to embed consumer messages in every conceivable space. Commercialization and consumerism also reach deeper, warming their way into people’s psyches and encouraging them to organize their lives around higher salaries and owning more stuff.” The Problem Of Materialism Research consistently shows that the more that people value materialistic aspirations and goals, the lower their happiness and life satisfaction, and the fewer pleasant emotions they experience day to day. Depression, anxiety and substance abuse also tend to be higher among the people who value the aims encouraged by consumer society.” The Stronger The Grip Of Materialism, The Lower The Care For Others And Nature Scientists have found that materialistic values and pro-social values are like a see-saw; as materialistic values go up, pro-social values tend to go down. This helps explain why people act in less empathic, generous and cooperative ways when money is on their minds. When people are under the sway of materialism, they also focus less on caring for the earth. The same type of see-saw is at work here: as materialistic values go up, concern for nature tends to go down. Studies show that when people endorse money, image and status, they’re...
What Is Systems Thinking? – Peter Senge Explains Systems Thinking Approach And Principles

What Is Systems Thinking? – Peter Senge Explains Systems Thinking Approach And Principles

http://youtu.be/HOPfVVMCwYg What Is Systems Thinking? Whenever I’m trying to help people understand what this word ‘system’ means, I usually start by asking: ‘Are you a part of a family?’ Everybody is a part of a family. ‘Have you ever seen in a family, people producing consequences in the family, how people act, how people feel, that aren’t what anybody intends?’ Yes. ‘How does that happen?’ Well… then people tell their stories and think about it. But that then grounds people in not the jargon of ‘system’ or ‘systems thinking’ but the reality – that we live in webs of interdependence.” What Is The Fundamental Rationale Of Systems Thinking? [The fundamental rationale of systems thinking] is to understand how it is that the problems that we all deal with, which are the most vexing, difficult and intransigent, come about, and to give us some perspective on those problems [in order to] give us some leverage and insight as to what we might do differently.” 3 Characteristics Of A Systems Thinking Approach A very deep and persistent commitment to ‘real learning.’ I have to be prepared to be wrong. If it was pretty obvious what we ought to be doing, then we’d be already doing it. So I’m part of the problem, my own way of seeing things, my own sense of where there’s leverage, is probably part of the problem. This is the domain we’ve always called ‘mental models.’ If I’m not prepared to challenge my own mental models, then the likelihood of finding non-obvious areas of leverage are very low. The need to triangulate. You need to get different...